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The new trend and model of "new energy+energy storage"
"New energy+energy storage" can effectively cope with fluctuations in wind and solar power output, improve the utilization rate of new energy, enhance grid connection safety performance, and is conducive to ensuring the safe and stable operation of electricity, promoting the high-quality development of new energy, and is an important support for building a new type of power system. According to statistics from the Zhongguancun Energy Storage Alliance, in the first half of 2023, about 42% of new energy storage projects were applied on the power side in China, with new energy configuration energy storage accounting for as high as 98%, still an important application area for energy storage. However, both the energy storage technology itself and the new energy distribution and storage model are still in the development process. With the advancement of technology and practice, the understanding of the coordinated development of new energy and energy storage is constantly deepening. The new energy configuration and storage also focuses on the development trend of new power systems and accelerates the adjustment of energy storage and utilization, and some new changes and attempts have emerged. The configuration method of "new energy+energy storage" is more flexible Some regions are attempting a new model of "reserving resources for innovation" Throughout the years, various regions have allocated energy storage scale according to a certain proportion of the installed capacity of new energy projects, and allocating energy storage has become a necessary prerequisite for grid connected power generation of new energy projects. However, as the installed capacity of individual new energy projects continues to increase, the scale of energy storage configured according to the prescribed proportion is also increasing, and the allocation and storage indicators are becoming increasingly difficult to achieve. The main purpose of new energy distribution and storage is to equip necessary and sufficient regulation capabilities for newly added new energy projects, to ensure the rational utilization of new energy and the safe and stable operation of the power system. Its essence is to ensure that the scale of new energy construction matches the flexible regulation capabilities of the power system. To achieve this, one can either prepare in advance and allocate a certain scale of energy storage for new energy projects, or determine the development scale of new energy based on the situation of energy storage construction. At present, some regions have launched a new model of "using storage to determine new energy". For example, Hunan has proposed a new energy storage pilot project that will be fully connected to the grid by the end of December 2022 and June 2023, and the allocated new energy capacity will be calculated based on 1.5 times and 1.3 times its installed capacity, respectively; Xinjiang proposes to allow enterprises that build energy storage projects for more than 4 hours to build wind and photovoltaic power generation projects with a storage capacity of 4 times. "Using storage to determine new energy" is a new attempt to allocate new energy storage, which makes the distribution and storage methods more diverse and helps encourage various regions to continuously explore more scientific, applicable, and effective models for the coordinated development of new energy and energy storage. Capacity leasing has become a new trend in new energy distribution and storage At the beginning, new energy distribution and storage were mainly self built by new energy enterprises. However, due to factors such as high energy storage costs and single application scenarios, there were many problems with uneven quality of distribution and storage, such as "building but not using" and "using but not good". In order to further optimize resource allocation and improve the comprehensive utilization efficiency of energy storage, since 2023, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Guangxi, Sichuan, Henan, Tianjin, Zhejiang and other regions have introduced policies to clarify that new energy projects can flexibly allocate energy storage through self construction, co construction, or leasing. Considering various factors such as land conservation, economies of scale, efficiency improvement, and risk prevention and control, many regions also encourage new energy projects to prioritize the use of co construction and leasing to allocate energy storage, and provide preferential and supportive policies for leasing methods. For example, Guangxi has proposed to reduce the cost of peak shaving auxiliary services for market-oriented grid connected new energy projects that have allocated energy storage through capacity leasing; Henan prioritizes the inclusion of new energy projects that have signed long-term lease agreements in the annual wind and solar development plan under equal conditions. At the same time, the energy storage capacity leasing mechanism is constantly being standardized and improved, and various regions have further put forward requirements for contract signing, leasing period, transaction organization, configuration scope, and guiding prices. At present, most regions advocate for energy storage capacity leasing contracts to cover the entire lifecycle of new energy projects, with a reference price of 150-400 yuan/kilowatt hour per year. The energy storage leasing model breaks the boundary between new energy distribution and independent energy storage, promoting the wider application of independent energy storage on the power side. It plays an important role in reducing the burden of new energy enterprise distribution and storage, improving the enthusiasm and utilization rate of energy storage investment. The application scenarios of "new energy+energy storage" are more diverse Strong demand for distributed new energy configuration and energy storage In recent years, new energy generation has continued to develop rapidly, showing significant characteristics of both centralized and distributed approaches. As of the end of June 2023, the installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation in China has reached 470 million kilowatts, of which 198 million kilowatts are distributed photovoltaics, accounting for over 40%. Looking at different regions, the development trend of distributed photovoltaics in the eastern region is rapid, and the installed capacity has surpassed that of centralized photovoltaics. Among them, distributed photovoltaics account for nearly 78% in Zhejiang, over 72% in Shandong, and over 67% in Jiangsu. The large-scale development of distributed photovoltaics will have a certain impact on the safe and reliable power supply of users and the stable operation of distribution networks, stimulating the enthusiasm for promoting the on-site consumption and utilization of new energy through energy storage configuration, and promoting the gradual expansion of distribution and storage demand from centralized new energy to distributed new energy. At present, some regions such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, and Ningxia have put forward clear requirements for distributed photovoltaic configuration energy storage, and the distribution and storage ratio is mostly required to account for 8% to 15% of the installed capacity of new energy. With the large-scale development and construction of distributed photovoltaics mainly used in industrial parks, building roofs, charging stations, and other application scenarios, the trend of "high proportion of photovoltaic installed capacity, surplus electricity during midday peak hours, and tight electricity consumption during evening peak hours" has become increasingly apparent. Under the incentive effect of peak and valley electricity prices, configuring energy storage can not only improve the utilization rate of photovoltaic power generation and reduce the energy cost of enterprises, but also obtain certain electricity sales profits through "surplus electricity grid connection". In this context, the demand for distributed new energy distribution and storage on the user side will further expand, and the "new energy+storage" model will gradually extend from the power supply side to the user side. Accelerating research and application of "new energy+hybrid energy storage" At present, energy storage technology can be divided into five types: mechanical energy storage, electrical energy storage, electrochemical energy storage, thermal energy storage, and chemical energy storage. There are significant differences in energy density, response speed, cycle life, safety performance, and construction cost among different types of energy storage technologies, making them suitable for different scenarios. In order to achieve complementary advantages of multiple technologies, improve the overall economy and adaptability of energy storage systems, the application of energy storage technology is developing from single energy storage to hybrid energy storage. With the large-scale integration of new energy generation, the safe and stable operation of the power system is facing many challenges such as frequency regulation and peak shaving. There are various adjustment requirements for the configured energy storage at different time scales, including short-term second level frequency regulation, intra day hour level peak shaving, as well as long-distance regulation across days and months. Especially during continuous cloudy days, extremely hot and windless weather, there is an urgent need for long-term energy storage in new energy power plants to cope with the situation of multiple days and large-scale lack of output of new energy. To meet the different application scenarios of energy storage, various combination forms of hybrid energy storage systems such as "flywheel energy storage+electrochemical energy storage", "supercapacitor+electrochemical energy storage", and "compressed air+electrochemical energy storage" are currently accelerating research and development demonstrations. In June 2023, the "flywheel energy storage+lithium battery hybrid energy storage" new energy station frequency regulation application demonstration project was successfully connected to the grid in Erenhot, Inner Mongolia. The project consists of three 1-megawatt flywheel arrays for collaborative control and a 3-megawatt lithium battery to form a hybrid energy storage system, providing frequency regulation auxiliary service support for a 99 megawatt wind farm. The profit model of "new energy+energy storage" is more diverse Exploring the transformation of new energy construction and energy storage into independent energy storage At present, the dominant position of independent energy storage has been clarified, and various regions are gradually promoting independent energy storage to participate in electricity spot and auxiliary service market transactions. Compared with independent energy storage, new energy distribution and construction energy storage cannot participate in the electricity market independently, and their enthusiasm and initiative in utilization are clearly insufficient. Taking Shandong as an example, from January to June 2023, independent energy storage can basically achieve one charge and one discharge per day, with a utilization time of 533 hours, while the utilization time of auxiliary energy storage is only 192 hours, about one-third of independent energy storage. The difference in utilization efficiency and revenue between independent energy storage and distributed energy storage in actual operation has received widespread attention. Shandong, Sichuan, Henan, Jiangsu and other regions have introduced policies to clarify that new energy storage projects that exist in the form of distributed energy can be converted to independent energy storage projects when they meet the same technical conditions and safety standards through technological transformation. Among them, Shandong is promoting the transformation of new energy distribution and storage into independent energy storage at a faster pace. Pilot work has been carried out, and clear requirements have been put forward for relevant technical conditions, safety plans, application review, and tracking acceptance. The conversion of new energy distribution and storage into independent energy storage can effectively activate existing distribution and storage resources, promote their better participation in the electricity market and scheduling, and achieve optimized allocation and shared utilization of idle resources on a larger scale. As of the end of 2022, the cumulative scale of new energy distribution and storage in China has reached 2.82 million kilowatts/5.5 million kilowatt hours, with a large amount of potential resources that can be converted into independent energy storage. Promote the joint entry of new energy and construction energy storage into the market At present, the incentive mechanism for new energy distribution and storage mainly relies on administrative measures such as one-time subsidies, power generation subsidies, priority grid connection, and priority consumption. Its profit model is relatively single, mainly relying on reducing wind and solar waste and increasing the amount of new energy connected to the grid to obtain profits. However, the current scale of new energy participation in electricity market transactions nationwide is limited, and the charging and discharging prices of new energy distribution and storage cannot be linked with the electricity market prices. The enthusiasm for quickly responding to wind and solar fluctuations and promoting load peak shaving and valley filling is insufficient. In order to fully leverage the multiple values of energy storage, frequency regulation, peak shaving, and other aspects, the state encourages new energy stations and energy storage facilities to jointly participate in the market. Currently, some regions are actively carrying out relevant practices based on the local electricity market construction situation. In February 2023, Shandong Province clearly proposed that the joint entity of new energy and construction energy storage can independently participate in medium - and long-term electricity and spot market transactions. In the spot market, the charging and discharging curves of construction energy storage declared by new energy stations should be prioritized and cleared while meeting the conditions of safe operation of the power grid and priority consumption of new energy. In July 2023, the construction and storage of offshore wind power in the southern part of Shandong Island was declared and cleared in the electricity spot market, becoming the first case of joint entry of new energy and construction and storage in the country. It achieved charging during new energy peak and low electricity prices and discharging during peak electricity consumption and high electricity prices in a market-oriented manner, effectively improving the utilization level and profitability of construction and storage energy. In addition to the medium and long-term electricity and spot markets, the auxiliary service market is also constantly improving, providing more revenue channels for the construction and storage of new energy. For example, Shanxi is establishing a market for positive and backup auxiliary services, proposing to allow wind and photovoltaic power stations with regulatory capabilities to participate and receive compensation benefits. Policy recommendations for optimizing "new energy+energy storage" Overall, the current energy storage technology is not yet mature, the overall cost is high, and the business model is not perfect. The understanding of the relationship between new energy and new energy storage needs to be deepened. In practice, new energy configuration storage has exposed practical problems such as increasingly high requirements for distribution and storage, generally low utilization rates, and poor profitability. However, due to the inherent intermittency, volatility, and randomness of new energy, the demand for power system regulation capacity is becoming increasingly urgent for its large-scale integration. In the long run, "new energy+energy storage" remains an important path to promote high-quality development of new energy and support the construction of new power systems. It is necessary to adhere to market orientation and promote the coordinated development of new energy and new energy storage. One is to optimize the coordinated development model of new energy and new energy storage. Strengthen the innovation of the "new energy+energy storage" model, with the goal of meeting regulatory needs, promoting resource sharing, achieving efficient utilization, and reducing enterprise costs. Support the transformation of existing new energy storage into independent energy storage while meeting technical and safety requirements, and promote the priority allocation of energy storage in the form of joint construction and sharing for new energy projects. Support private enterprises to participate in the construction of new energy storage power stations and stimulate the enthusiasm of social capital investment. Improve the capacity leasing mechanism for energy storage power stations, standardize leasing contract management, utilize the spatiotemporal complementarity of different new energy power stations, optimize the scope and operation mechanism of energy storage sharing, and avoid phenomena such as resource congestion during peak hours and idle resources during low periods. The second is to improve the market and pricing mechanism for new energy storage. Adhere to promoting the independent allocation of new energy storage in new energy projects in a market-oriented manner, and increase the enthusiasm for energy storage construction through reasonable price incentives. On the one hand, we will accelerate the participation of new energy in the electricity market, gradually expand the scale of new energy generation entering the market, and guide new energy power stations to actively allocate new energy storage to enhance their self-regulation performance through market assessment methods such as deviation electricity quantity and response speed. On the other hand, we need to improve the mechanism for new energy storage to participate in the electricity market, support the participation of new energy and distributed energy storage in various markets such as medium and long-term electricity, spot, and auxiliary services in the form of a consortium, and increase the diversity of market decision-making for distributed and stored new energy enterprises. At the same time, we will improve the pricing mechanism for new energy storage, study and establish capacity compensation mechanisms, promote the formation of capacity leasing prices through market competition, and explore scientific and reasonable capacity identification methods for different types of new energy storage. The third is to accelerate the formulation of new energy storage standards and technological breakthroughs. Adhere to the safety bottom line, accelerate the formulation of relevant technical standards for new energy distribution and storage, strictly supervise the quality of energy storage, strengthen the safety management of energy storage power stations, and ensure the safe and reliable operation of new energy and energy storage power stations. Accelerate the research and development and industrial layout of key technologies, materials, and equipment for new energy storage, and further reduce the cost of new energy storage. Promote the diversified development of energy storage technology, research new energy storage technologies with large capacity, long lifespan, and long-term adaptation to the large-scale development of new energy, strengthen the research and demonstration application of hybrid energy storage technologies, and meet the different needs of new power systems for regulating speed, duration, power, and energy. This article was published in the December 2023 issue of China Electric Power Enterprise Management, authored by the Energy Research Institute of China Academy of Macroeconomics
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